Photo courtesy Roan D’Orta–Ekenaike
Find us:
You are welcome to visit the Boroondara Cemetery at 440 High Street, Kew. Our vehicular entry is from Parkhill Road (opposite Ridgeway Avenue) . You can also find this gate by searching for the word combination ///rail.gave.making using the what3words app.
We have additional pedestrian entrances on Parkhill Road and on High Street .
Cemetery Hours:
The Cemetery is open every day of the year between the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm. Gates for vehicle access are also now open every day of the year.
Need assistance?
For any enquiries including about burial and interment options at the Boroondara Cemetery, please contact us in the first instance using the details below. During Covid-19, the office is staffed remotely, but we are still available to help you as usual. For enquiries or appointments, please contact us by telephone or email.
Phone (03) 9853 7025
Cemetery tours during Covid-19
No cemetery tours will be undertaken at the cemetery while Covid-19 restrictions are in place.
General information
The Fitzroy Legal Service up-date annually a publication called “The Law Handbook” which contains chapters on Burials, Cremations and Estates. This publication is available to be viewed at most Municipal Libraries, and can be viewed online on the Fitzroy Legal Service's website.